About The PresentersThe Many Paths of Faery

Storm Faerywolf - The Many Paths of Faery

Storm Faerywolf Biography

Storm Faerywolf is a professional author, teacher, warlock, and co-owner of The Mystic Dream, a spiritual supply and bookstore where he teaches and offers spiritual and magical services to the public.

An initiate of the Faery tradition with over thirty years experience practicing witchcraft, he has been teaching magic and spirituality both privately and publicly for more than twenty. He holds the Black Wand of a Faery Master, and is the founder of his own lineage of the tradition, BlueRose which offers extensive personal training both in-person and online.

He is a founding teacher of the Black Rose Witchcraft online school and travels internationally teaching the magical arts. He is the author of “Betwixt & Between: Exploring the Faery Tradition of Witchcraft” and “The Stars Within the Earth”. His work has been featured in magazines, blogs, and podcasts, most notably Modern Witch, where he is currently a co-host. For more information visit his website at Faerywolf.com.



The Many Paths of Faery takes place in picturesque Ben Lomond, CA on a 127 acre property.


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+1(831) 423-5477

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