Event Organizers

The Many Paths of Faery is organized by Susan Diamond, Shimmering Wolf, Serpent's Kiss, The Mystic Dream and The House of Brigh.

Susan DiamondSusan Diamond

Susan owns a magical/healing arts shop and botanica in Santa Cruz, Ca. called Serpent's Kiss as well as a Community Center called Crossroads Community Space which supports and supplies many spiritual traditions. She is also owner/operator of a metaphysical shop/gallery in Los Gatos called Moonstone, which is known for its many unique crystals and gemstones and one of a kind jewelry. Susan creates many of the items found at both shops, including her popular magickal ritual candles and oils. Along with her partner Wolf, she has designed a crystal divination system and other divining tools. She teaches on topics that include divination, Crystals, Tarot, Psychic Ability, Conjure, Magic, Shamanism, Astrology, and all things Mystical & Magickal! Susan is a practicing Witch, Astrologer, Shamanic Practitioner, Spiritual Consultant/Coach, Reader and Rootworker.

In addition to teaching here at home in Santa Cruz, Ca., Susan also presents at other events/stores, including several yearly festivals that she co-produces. She is a founding member of Conjure Crossroads along with Orion Foxwood, Starr Casas, Sindy Todo, and Shimmering Wolf, which produces a yearly event in New Orleans, La, called The Folk Magic Festival. She is co-owner of ConjureCraft.us along with Orion Foxwood, and a founding member of AIRR, Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. Other collaborations include Seaside Sorcery with Sharon Knight and Otherworld Explorers with Jackie Smith of Coventry Creations.

Susan has received multiple first place local awards under the category of "Best Psychic" in Santa Cruz County.

Along with her romantic partner, Wolf, she also facilitates fire/drum circles in the redwood mountains in Santa Cruz.

Susan loves to cook and works her food magic into many of her events and gatherings.


Shimmering Wolf

Shimmering Wolf grew up in a family culture where connection to God was prominent. Along with a Catholic educational upbringing, this is what initially paved the the roads of his life with a connection to Spirit. 

His conventional religious upbringing did not quite satisfy his hunger for direct connection to, and experience of, the creator and the spirit-world. He longed for something deeper and more intimate. He always felt this through his art, photography and his connection to animals. 

As a visionary artist, he has a powerful ability to see through the see through the inner vision of his clients and produce art that captures the unseen and private side of spirit. He also is able to capture the presence of spirit in the rituals, lectures and in the in everyday life of all who come into the view of his camera. Even the invisible world is drawn to his camera as he photographs nature spirits, orbs, ectoplasm streams and the intimate flow between light, shadow and darkness and the seen and unseen. He has also been trained in Native American medicine ways and has lead many visionary rituals assisting people to release and surrender into the outflowing spirit that flows through all creation. His talents lends beauty, artistry and web presence to Conjure Crossroads as well as other magical and spiritual teachers, websites, books and CDs around the world.

Shimmering Wolf Studios LogoHe has had a successful design business for almost 30 years, creating marketing communications projects for a wide variety of clients, producing logos, brochures, advertisements, music CD and DVD packaging, trade show graphics, multi-media projects, video, photography and more... "Anything Creative" is his motto.

Shimmering Wolf has had a 25 year devotion to fire circles and indigenous understandings. He participated in all 5 Firedance festivals, and was a founding council member of the Phoenix Fire Nonprofit Organization and Event, which also spanned 5 years. He and Susan founded Redwood Nights fire circle gatherings, spanning almost a decade.  He is devoted to serving community needs and providing a coyote like lightness to the spirit of gatherings. He is a fine artist and graphic designer with the added gift of intuitive insight. Face Painting Shaman, Provocative Purveyor of Poignant Prose, Drummer, Healer, Counselor, and Artist.